Cam and Katherine Colquitt



 How did you become a Georgia Bulldog fan?   

"It's in my blood: my parents went there, I grew up rooting for the Dawgs, and Bulldog-red is coursing through my veins."

 What’s your first memory of Katherine?     

"Hillbilly Hoedown 2011 in Lynchburg, VA.  We were on a pumpkin-carving team together. In the midst of heated competition, we made eye contact- the Earnhardt hat, the flannel, the blacked-out tooth.  It was love at first sight."

 How did you first get involved with Campus Outreach?  

 "It was after my team's season-opening basketball scrimmage my Sophomore year at Randolph that I met a staff guy on my campus. I wasn't a Christian. I was confused spiritually and searching for happiness.  This man helped me understand that Christianity was a message of grace and free forgiveness for sinners who couldn't meet God's standards. This was a breath of fresh air for a guy who grew up thinking Christianity was about doing good things and being a good person. In November of that year (2010) the Lord saved me and I repented and trusted in Christ.  I quickly discovered that true joy is found in a reconciled relationship with God through Jesus Christ."

 What are three words that describe you?   

"Driven. Passionate. Steph-Curry ;)"


 What is your general attitude towards cats? 

"I want them all."

What’s your first memory of Cam?

"He was the 'gluten free' basketball player at my first Summer Beach Project."

How did you first get involved with Campus Outreach?  

"My roommate and I heard about the weekly meeting and wandered in. Between the engaging teaching from God's word, and fun people who made an effort to get to know me, I was hooked! I went to the fall retreat, joined a bible study, and grew in my knowledge of God's word and a love for his people through life-on-life discipleship."

 What are three words that describe you? 

"Witty, Energetic, Cats."